17 Dec 03 -
PORAR added the Capital into 5 Million Baht responding
the THAIEPAY Successfulness
PORAR Web Application Co.,Ltd., the owner
of THAIEPAY, increased the registered capital
into 5,000,000 baht for response the THAIEPAY popularity
that makes the company grows up rapidly. Furthermore,
increasing the capital reflects the reliability
of the company and builds up the stores
confidence who have applied for THAIEPAY . For the year
2004, the aim of the company are to have
over 1,000 clients with no less than 10,000,000 bath
through the THAIEPAY transaction.
Other news
Dec 03 - E-Commerce Mag chose THAIEPAY to be SMEs of
the Month.
17 Dec
03 - PORAR added the Capital into 5 Million Baht responding
the THAIEPAY Successfulness
14 Oct 03 - THAIEPAY in co-operation with Internet
Mag offer discounts.
05 Oct 03 - THAIEPAY is invited by IT radio 100.5
FM to be their guest
11 Sep 03 - PORAR.com Hosting Clients will received
50% off THAIEPAY
11 Sep 03 - THAIEPAY in co-operation with e-week Mag
offer discounts